RapidLog On-Demand
8/18/2010 - Update RapidLog and RapidLog Pro
After you resolve the conflicts in RapidLog Pro, they will be automatically imported into RapidLog. No need to go into RapidLog and do the "Pro Import" step any longer.
The "Pro Import" option in RapidLog will be removed in the next release.
Now you can assign violations during the conflict step in RapidLog Pro.
When you import EOBR data over the top of missing logs, the violation now gets automatically cleared.
Id Numbers are limited to 9 characters. This fixed a problem in the conflict step where you couldn't finish a batch.
The recap is now limited to 2 decimals for EOBR data.
To prepare for the CSA2010 import, we have separated the driver license and state into their respective fields. The original driver license number (if it exists, will display below the new fields.)
GPS import is automated and imports files from the FTP. (coming soon...)
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